Just a poem

I told you guys I've been sad lately, and yesterday I felt led to write, so I did. I think it helped me grieve, but here is the poem. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on it, send them my way, please. I'm also trying to publish some poems, so we'll see where that leads. Love you three. sj

a small spit, &c. 
12 december 2015

we all hoped 
she would beat leukemia 
just not like this. 

her purple daisies just 
for love, innocent joy, her loud
belly laughs, constant dancing & bad
accents, her loyalty & wisdom -- despite
her age -- & most of all, her constant
keep-going-ness that i never understood,
all lost from this world but imprinted
where she’ll never be forgotten 

yet she’s gone -- 
after her too short lifetime of fighting
it’s all over in a mangled metal instant. 
grace, somehow, we muttered.

but in true Jodi-Rae-fashion, she’s singing 
to us -- no longer
in pain or afraid -- that 
The kingdom really cannot be shaken, 
that His mercy never ends, & that death 
will never win. 


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